Observations of English 1101

     Many classes I have taken for english credits have not been quite up to par as this class.  The expectations are much greater and assignments receive much more anticipation for wanting to get back your results.  In other words, it makes you stress about doing your best and about tyring your hardest.  I shall explain the pros and cons of this class.

     Mr. Hensch made us wait about 2 weeks to get our papers back and because of this, many of us were sweating bullets on what our outcome would be.  Possibly an F or maybe a D, is what some said because of the long wait.  I probably would have changed that returning date to maybe a few days after or to the day that all of the papers were corrected.  I know that there was a good reason behind waiting until our next paper was due, but it would have been better maybe if the grade at least was accessible online.  Other than that though, the class seems to be quite entertaining.  The mix of personalities creates a humorous and fun environment for all.

     This class is a very profitable ellective and if you are thinking of maybe signing up for English 1101, go ahead and jump in.  You begin to save money with every college class taken, close to 1,000 dollars per credit.  So, go ahead and "Steal the Knowledge", as our nerdy professor says so proudly. : ) 

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